Thursday, November 25, 2010

Simple Caramel Pudding

How lucky this caramel pudding is since it's featured as the first recipe that I'd like to share thru this newly-launched blog! Actually, I got this recipe from my sister-in-law, Aidawati whose caramel pudding has astounded me at the first bite! Well, below is the recipe :


Mixture A :

5 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of water

Mixture B :

4 eggs
1/2 tin of sweetened condensed milk
3/4 tin of water (measure using the condensed milk's tin)
1 spoonful of Vanila Essence

Method :

1) Stir Mixture A over a medium heat (preferably using a non-stick pan since the sugar tends to stick to other regular pans). Make sure the sugar doesn't get over-burnt since it can cause the sugar to taste bitter).

2) Once Mixture A looks golden/yellowish in colour, quickly pour it onto the container (loyang) that will be used to steam the pudding later on. Leave it and let it harden.

3) Mix together Mixture B and stir it well. Don't let it turn foamy (it will cause the pudding to become perforated (having holes)

4) Pour Mixture B onto the container with Mixture A just now. Steam it for around 40-45 minutes. (don't forget to cover the container using aluminium foil !)

5) After steaming, let it cool down and place it into refrigerator. Turn it over onto a suitable plate only when it's cool (not right after steaming it). When it's completely cool, it's ready to be served!

Happy cooking!

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