Saturday, November 27, 2010

Super Duper Simple Bread Pudding


My hubby and I have had a very heavy lunch today (4 pcs of the giant-sized "udang galah" for each of us!) and tonight we feel like having something simple and sweet. Thus, since there was still a loaf of Gardenia Butterscotch bread which is supposed to expire today, I've decided to try making bread pudding using it! Actually, I've never heard anyone make bread pudding using this kind of bread since ppl usually use white bread, but giving it a try doesn't cause you any harm, aite? ;)

This recipe is ultimately easy to be prepared! It only takes 10 minutes for the ingredients to be well-stirred and approximately 40 minutes to be steamed :) So if you feel like having something sweet but despise spending lots of time in the kitchen, you can always try this at home.

Here's the recipe :

Ingredients :

1 egg
1 cup of milk (I used Dutch Lady full cream milk)
4-5 tbsp of sweetened condensed milk (my bread is sweet, if you're using white bread, do increase the measurement)
Some Corn flakes * optional (I added this because I've got corn flakes at home! Haha)
5 slices of bread (I used Gardenia Butterscotch for a change, and because that's the only bread I've got at home :P)

Method :

1) Mix all the ingredients (except for corn flakes and bread). Stir them well.
2) Get the stirred ingredients to be filtered so that your pudding will be smooth.
3) Add corn flakes, and bread slices that have been torn into pieces. Let the bread to immerse itself in the mixture for a few minutes.
4) Pour the mixture into a container that you'll use to steam it.
5) Steam the mixture for approximately 40 minutes (do cover the container using aluminium foil ya!)
6) Your bread pudding is allllll ready! You can enjoy it while its hot, or you might as well enjoy it cool (I prefer cool bread pudding :) )

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